My Youtube Channel Has Been Taken Down

The newest updates: My youtube channel has been taken down, interestingly after I made a negative post on Lynette’s youtube channel. This woman is truly a pest and a threat to free society everywhere. If you watch my videos, which will be cross posted on drop box and vimeo soon (most of them have already been cross posted on vimeo, and in fact, I have relinked most of the dead links on my blog already.) I’m not sure how she managed to infringe upon my rights to free speech when it’s very clear that she was harassing me, which makes the video more of a documentary than any sort of defamation. She on the other hand, has been guilty of defamation, slander, harassment, and discrimination based on sexual orientation and history of myself.

Here is a film that I made of the harassment involving Lynette Pilgrim

** My youtube films are now up and running again as of September 17th.  I removed any photographs that might even vaguely be considered pornographic, and voila!  My stuff has been reinstated.  Thank goodness, because I realized I was getting quite a few hits to this blog from youtube.

Noise Harassment continued

It took me awhile to edit this film because I’ve been busy at work, and then had a friend visit for a week, and then my dad for a week right after that. I don’t remember when this happened but I think it was about a month or so ago.

The original film was on youtube, however, for some strange reason my youtube channel has been taken down.  I found it easy enough, since I keep all my finished projects on an external hard drive and burn them to disks, so that I have several back ups, to upload this video to vimeo.  I will soon be creating a drive just for my projects, photos, and records so that anyone who reads this blog can get access.  It’s very clear that this information is very threatening to some people.